Student Produced Videos Save Nonprofits Thousands of Dollars

For the fall 2019 spring semester, Northwest Vista College Digital Video & Cinema Production students helped several nonprofits this semester improve their marketing outreach.

Most of the nonprofits selected have small budgets and little money for marketing, let alone high-quality videos. These videos were recently screened for clients on May 16.

Since these video projects began more than 10 years ago, DVCP students have saved the nonprofit community over a half million dollars in video production fees.

West Avenue Compassion (WAC)

This all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established in 2010, serves more than 4,000 clients each year with a wide variety of services. Its most recent innovation is their Choice Pantry, offering a more traditional shopping experience for its clients.

St. Luke Catholic School. This is a marketing video featuring comments on the programs and values of the pre-K to 8th grade students and faculty. The hope is to reach parents who are looking for Catholic school options.

David’s Legacy Foundation

This 501(c)(3) organization is dedicated to eliminating cyber and other bullying, of children and teens through education, legislation and legal action. The parents of David Molak, a victim of cyber bullying, helped establish the foundation with a mission to prevent this from happening to another family.

Behind the Scenes Great Day SA

The NVC public relations team connected us once again to KENS TV for this student project that culminates with an appearance of the student team on the morning magazine show.




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