February All College Meeting Notes

[image 1]Love was in the air or at least Valentine's Day decorations for the February All College Meeting, sponsored by the Speech faculty.

Northwest Vista College president Jackie Claunch started the meeting by presenting information she recently gave to Alamo Colleges District meeting about key performance indicators. Some of the criteria she cited included graduation and persistence rates and student and faculty demographics. She said while NVC has been strong in enrollment, a few factors have provided setbacks, such as the Banner implementation, hiring freezes, financial aid regulations and Meningitis vaccine requirements.

[image 2]Julie Pace, vice president of College Services, followed up with a glimpse of NVC's strategic plan. She said employees recently met to comb over data to help the college remain steadfast at its three main objectives: Learning, Completion and Sustainability. She added action plans have been created in each of the objectives.

Jackie gave an update of the SACS or (the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools) re-accreditation process. Employee groups have been identified to address three areas of “noncompliance” that SACS has identified. SACS representative Mark Shaw will be on campus Feb. 13-15 to help the college with the accreditation process.

[image 3]Jackie thanked employees for making the college NO. 1 for the 2012 annual Employee Giving Campaign. Thanks to a hefty contribution from faculty member Robert Marbut, NVC's collective donated amount reached almost $58,000, which is about an $11,000 increase from the previous year. This put NVC on top of the district and other colleges for having the most money donated.

Jim Lievens, NVC coordinator of Organizational Learning, reminded the audience of upcoming free employee training sessions, such as “Give 'em the Pickle,” “Who Moved My Cheese,” and “Whale Done.” To learn more, visit Organizational Learning's page at http://share.alamo.edu/nvc/orglearn/SitePages/Home.aspx.

[image 4]Celebrations:

– The Wildcat award went to Glo Jimenez and Martha Salinas
– The Employee of the Month award was given to Eddie Torralva
– Wendy Ellis (choreography), Nathan Thurman (set design) and Natalia Trevino (literature) were recognized for honors they have recently been awarded in their fields.

Here's a link to the MediaSite recording of the meeting. Here's a Power Point to the All College Meeting: [file 1]



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