Northwest Vista College Librarian Rose Rodriguez will present “Introducing Information Literacy Through Zines” as part of the Great Ideas Poster Session and Lightning Talk program at the Texas Library Association’s Annual Conference in April.
Rose feels that incorporating zines in the classroom can enhance students’ personal growth as well as their critical thinking and writing skills. Zine making also provides students with an alternative way to publish their work. Rose hopes to start a zine library at Northwest Vista College. This semester, she has been incorporating zines as instructional tools and reaching out to faculty about working with zines in the classroom. The library will hold a Zine Making Workshop Feb. 27 from 2:30-4:30 pm in the Redbud Learning Center, room 116. If you are interested in collecting, making, or teaching with zines, please contact Rose Rodriguez at [email protected].
NVC librarians Rose Rodriguez and Linda Reeves will present “Helping Students Navigate the Complex Nature of Source Authority” at the 10th Annual Pedagogy Conference on Saturday, March 2 at Northeast Lakeview College. The Conference is free and open to all educators from kindergarten through college level. Goals of this conference include offering sessions on innovative teaching activities and fostering a learning community in support of the Texas P-16 initiative, which is designed to help prepare students for college.