December All College Meeting

[image 1]In the last All College Meeting of the year, holiday cheer was in the air with abundant decorations and food to singing from Workforce Education & Training, which hosted the December meeting.

Workforce’s ESL Level 6 students started off the meeting by singing “Jingle Bells” in different languages.

[image 4]NVC President Jackie Claunch thanked the Employee Giving Campaign committee of Lynne Dean, Patrick Troy and Sally First on all their hard work. This year, NVC had its best employee participation rate of 32.3 percent as compared to last year’s rate at 26.8 percent.

Reminders were also announced about spring registration. The open enrollment period closes from Jan. 14 to Jan. 20. The next payment deadlines are Dec. 20 and Jan. 10. From Jan. 11 to Jan. 21, students have to pay the same day they register.  

[image 2]So far for the spring semester, NVC enrollment is 13,795, which is up 592 students over last year. The paid count is at 8,228 or up 1,138 students from the year before.

Diane De La Garza from the President’s Office announced that Staff Council has been fundraising to provide staff scholarships and will send emails soon with information on how to apply for the awards.


[image 3]- The Academy of Life Long Learning gave a good-bye gift to Tiffany Carmony, administrative secretary in Workforce’s Community Education. She shared she is relocating to Minnesota.

Workforce’s Pat Fontenot also announced that Manny Fernandez, its accounting technician, is also leaving as well.

– Workforce also gave out three free classes: Kori Schneider received a cooking class; Darryl Nettles snagged a children's enrichment class and Felix Salinas got an continuing education class.

Diane De La Garza gave the Wildcat Spirit Award to Minerva Muniz of the President’s Office.

The Employee of the Month Award was given to Laura Alvarez, IT resource coordinator.

To see a Power Point of the meeting, see the file: [file 1]

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