What is MyMap?

Alamo Colleges has created a new comprehensive system designed to improve student success called MyMAP or My Monitoring Academic Progress.

MyMap includes an admissions checklist for First Time in College (FTiC) students, which contains online self-paced learning modules along with the standard admission requirements. MyMap, which is mandatory for all FTiC students, is available in ACES under the tab “Start Here.”  In order to register for classes, FTiC students must satisfy their checklist items.

Modules include academic and career programs available at Alamo Colleges, the admissions process, how to pay for college, test preparation, advising and more.

“The implementation of a dynamic checklist in which students can self-monitor will greatly enhance our students’ ability to understand which items they need to satisfy in order to register for classes,” said Robin Carrillo, director of NVC Enrollment Management.

At the end of each module, students must take a quiz and get six out of 10 questions correct in order to get a “complete” and go to the next module. The final step is to go through the HOLA or Hands On-Line Advising section. Students will be able to start registering once they have completed the advising requirements, which may take a few days to complete.

MyMAP will also monitor students’ progress until they earn a certificate or degree. The program is a part of the Alamo Colleges’ “Smart Start” initiative that includes several different components, such as faculty alerting students when they are falling behind.

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