Donate and You Could Win Free Prizes

From the NVC Employee Giving Team:

  • For the last drawing – a Professional In Office Teeth Whitening with Custom Trays, Complete Dental Exam, and X-Rays (Value $540.00)!  The drawing for this awesome prize is Wednesday, Nov. 21. To be eligible, one would have to make their donation by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20.
  • Nov. 20 will be the next NVC Day at Chili’s at Culebra and Loop 1604. All sales count.
  • Old college T-Shirts NEEDED. Drop off your T-Shirt at the CaTS Center. There will be a resale event on Nov. 20. Come to the sale and get your Chili’s voucher.
  • Additionally, individuals and departments are encouraged to issue challenges. Valerie Sommerville & Debi Gaitan have issued challenges to Student Success employees and will donate a $1 for every person in Student Success that contributes to the Employee Giving Campaign.
  • Alamo Colleges will continue to have weekly drawings.

To give to the Employee Giving Back campaign, you can use a paper form available in Manzanillo Hall, 104G or log-on to

  • Campaign code: Alamo Colleges
  • User name: jdoe12 (your email name excluding “”)
  • Password: GIVEXXXX (GIVE in all caps and last 4 numbers of your Banner ID)

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