Employees Win Prizes for Giving

Congratulations to Patrick Troy who won an iTunes gift card as part of a drawing in the Employee Giving Back campaign.

Patrick, a Student Success Professional, is a long-time supporter of the Alamo Colleges Employee Giving Back campaign and is encouraging others to do the same. 

At this point in the campaign, Northwest Vista College employees have raised over $23,000 to reach a 17 percent employee participation. 

If you haven’t decided which cause to support, you may consider those where your donation will be matched by former employee, Christine Crowley. She will match donations to the Anthony Chalkley Endowed Scholarship for students in  Developmental Math. Christine will also match donations to the Ashley Lynn Degerstrom Endowed Scholarship for students wishing to teach and the Vista Dash for Dollars Kinesiology Scholarship.
NVC President Jackie Claunch is matching donations to theFund, the San Antonio’s Arts Fund.  To give to the Employee Giving Back campaign, you can use a paper form available in Manzanillo Hall, 104G or log-on to https://donor.united-e-way.org.
Campaign code: Alamo Colleges
User name: jdoe12 (your email name excluding “@alamo.edu”)
Password: GIVEXXXX (GIVE in all caps and last 4 numbers of your Banner ID)

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