The Northwest Vista College Natural & Physical Sciences department hosted the April Bragging Breakfast on Friday, the 13th
Chair Cindy Magruder and Rick Chamblin talked about all the different things this area is doing from geology, and nursing facility tours, supporting and helping clubs do meaningful service projects, hosting solar events, to successfully getting students on their way to nursing degrees.
This department has also been successful at getting some hefty grants for STEM instruction and help students with scholarships. Cross your fingers that it snags two pending grants to strengthen and advance STEM education, and another grant to increase STEM transfers to St. Mary’s University.
While the meeting was going on, audience participants learned how to put a major muscle on skeletons. To learn all the fun things this area is going, check out this Power Point: Natural & Physical Science Presentation
- The April Employee of the Month Award went to Annie Acosta of Student Success.
- The Dual Credit team received the Wildcat Spirit Award.
- Congratulations to Risk Management Coordinator, Garvin Dansby, and DPS Cpl. Jill Sprowls and College Services on a successful training regarding the scenario of an active shooter and a successful campus-wide lock down. The BAT (Building Action Team) and CAT (Crisis Action Team) team members were also trained on their roles in the case of an active shooter, bomb threat, or emergency as part of NVC’s emergency preparedness.
- Congratulations to Marie Morgan and Stephanie Sonneman on receiving recognition from the president and CEO of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner, who sent a gift of appreciation and gratitude for their years of service as advisors over the Phi Theta Kappa Chapter at NVC.
- Veronica Gonzalez and Kimberly Cantu were the top performers in the annual IT March Madness competition.
Palmetto presents Spring Strings concert on April 17 at 7:30 pm at the theater. Admission is free to an American premier of Jacques Loussier’s Concerto for violin, percussion and orchestra!
- The NVC Music program presents four nights of live music performances: April 23, 24, 25 & 26. Admission is $5/night for everyone (including general public). Check PALMETTO.ORG for event details!
- The NVC Drama Program presents Agatha Christie’s ”And Then There Were None” opening this week in the Black Box Theatre! There are seven performances: April 12 -14, 19, 20-21 at 8pm with a Sunday matinee at 2:30pm on April 22. Admission is only $5 for employees and students.
- NVC Staff Senate is sponsoring a Spring Social picnic for faculty and staff on Friday, May 4 from 2 pm to 4 pm. There will be snacks, games and chances to win prizes.
- NVC Public Relations is hosting the third annual May 4th celebration, complete with a free showing of “The Last Jedi,” outdoors on a giant screen.
- Friday, April 20 is wear your college t-shirt or NVC shirt day.
- Thursday, April 26 NVC Staff Senate will host the Shortest Fiesta Parade, starting at 12:05 pm. If your area wants to sign up, email [email protected]
- United Way Shoebox Project – NVC Staff Senate is collecting toiletry items for this cause that goes to help people. Donations can be given to anyone on Staff Senate.
- Touch of the Month is Learning: “We strive to create a quality learning environment in which each of us grows in effectiveness as a worker and a citizen while acquiring knowledge and understanding of self, community, and our cultural diversity.”
To see the meeting, go here.
Josh Alquiza