College Services Gives a Spring Update

In every team and department at Northwest Vista College, there are always great stories to tell that show faculty and staff going above and beyond.

While it’s hard to capture every story, we hope to periodically share in this space some of the major accomplishments or projects that are taking place. Members of the executive team will write about important topics that they feel NVC employees should be made aware of.

Let us know about the positive things your area is doing to help students or improve processes by contacting myself or NVC Public Relations.

– Dr. Ric Baser, NVC President


Erin ShermanLa reVista
NVC Vice President of College Services

It is almost the first day of spring, and the college is absolutely beautiful at this time of year! The spring semester has been and will continue to be a time for projects, plans, and transformation. We are in the process of developing our 2018-2023 strategic plan, and your input regarding the vision for NVC is vital. The strategic planning section on the website provides a wealth of information, and your words and ideas are the foundation for the future of this remarkable college.

Several of our physical spaces have been transformed this spring. The redesigned Juniper Hall Open Lab is a hub of activity with our students enjoying the open layout, collaboration centers, versatile study centers, and my favorite study “pods.” Construction has started on the Department of Public Safety (DPS) office in Mountain Laurel Hall (MLH), and our officers will soon be out of the Boardwalk portables! Collaborations spaces have been added in MLH, and we have several projects forthcoming for the remainder of the spring and the summer. Construction updates will be sent as projects continue throughout the year.

March Madness (Vista style) has arrived, and you will see IT staff throughout the college looking for opportunities to address your questions and issues on the spot. Computer refreshes are scheduled to begin during Maymester, and projector refreshes are scheduled to begin in June.

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Information Literacy Academy is about to “graduate” the second class of faculty and staff, and participants’ capstone projects will be presented in Lago Vista on Friday, April 6. The capstone project illustrates information literacy skills developed through an intensive 18 hours of training spanning the academic year. Please join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our QEP Information Literacy Academy graduates.

Keep an eye out for upcoming training offered through DPS and Risk Management. Active shooter training will begin April 6 and continue on a regular basis. Additional training is in the planning phases, and soon there will be announcements regarding upcoming training. We are family, and the safety of every student and employee is vital. Please reach out and let myself, Garvin Dansby, coordinator of College Risk Management, or Cpl. Jill Sprowls, campus coordinator, know if your department would like to discuss strategies for safety or request specialized training.

The spring semester has been quite a time of rejuvenation, reflection, and strength for NVC. Our family has demonstrated acts of compassion, demonstrated resilience, and shown the fortitude to support our students in and out of the classroom. Every family has a story to tell, and NVC’s story just keeps getting better!

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