Extra Layer of Safety with E-panic Button

By Nov. 27, the Alertus E-panic button will be installed on faculty and staff computers throughout the college. Below are some questions and answers to help learn about the software.

Q. Why do we need another tool for emergencies?
For a safe and secure environment to work and learn, the Alamo Colleges District is providing multiple channels for emergency help. The Alertus E-panic button is a subtle way to alert ACPD from your computer.  You can still contact Alamo Colleges Police Department (ACPD) by calling 485-0911 or by using the emergency blue phones.

Q. Do I need to do anything with the software once it’s installed on my computer?
Yes – you have to go through several steps to register your profile on the software and pin it to your task bar or have it visibly on your desktop for easy access.

Q. If I click on the button once, is that all I need to do?
No, a confirmation screen will come up verifying you need help. You must acknowledge it and hit “OK”.

Q. What information will the Alamo Colleges Police Department (ACPD) see when they get my alert?
The information you put in your profile – phone number, name, room number and campus and building. The building and location you put is where ACPD officers will go.

Q. How many clicks does it take for the alert to go to ACPD?
Three clicks – first clicking on the Alertus icon on your desktop, then hitting “Send Alert”, and finally hitting “OK”.

Q. Will the alert notification be visible to students if my computer display is connected to a projector while teaching?
A. Yes – make sure to switch your screen off the projector. In cases of major emergencies, it shouldn’t matter if students see the panic alert or not.

Q. Can the software be installed on my personal computer that I use at work?
A. At this time, only Alamo Colleges-owned devices will be loaded with the E-panic software.

To learn how to register yourself once the software is installed, go here.

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