Over the past two months, NVC received four grants to support various initiatives for education.
The awarded grants will fund efforts to promote student success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through scholarships and work opportunities with local industry partners. Other grants will encourage artistic exploration among aspiring jazz musicians through innovative music education based on experiential learning and mentorship. The college also received grants to boost the number of high school-aged children pursue STEM education through summer Robotics camps, and support education in the fields of nanotechnology.
Awarded grants include:
- $170, 000 – Texas-STEM Challenge Scholarship Program (TSTEM) grant
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
This is a district-wide grant totaling $894,737. The NVC portion will provide 68 individual scholarships of $2,500 per year for students majoring in STEM and Allied Health. Students will also get opportunities for part-time employment/internship. T-STEM may be available for two years if the Alamo Colleges meet certain requirements.
- $975 – Jazz Breakthrough –Alamo Jazz Mentorship Program grant
City of San Antonio- Community Arts Access Program
This grant bridges music artists of excellence with 25 aspiring musicians and the public through master classes. The program is rooted in the concept that it takes a village (San Antonio community) to cultivate the top caliber musicians.
- $37,590 – Texas Institute for Engineering and Robotics (TIER) Space TEAMs Summer Robotics camp grant
Texas Workforce Commission- Summer Merit Program
This gran provides 72 scholarships for economically disadvantaged high school students (Boysville foster care, Boys and Girls Club, and Girl Scouts) to attend robotics camps. Project includes camps at St. Philip’s College and Northeast Lake view College.
- $199,217 – Project ION (Improving Opportunities In Nanotechnology) grant
National Science Foundation-Advanced Technology Education Program
Project ION is a three-year grant that will create models for nanotechnology-focused workforce development activities for underserved populations across two-year colleges, four-year universities, research institutes, and industry.
– Contributed by Carlos Aguirre, director of College & Grants Development |