Student Success Directors Present at National Conference

presentation_brownbowlingChristina Brown, director of Advising, and Gary Bowling, director of Student Success recently presented at the 23rd Annual National Students in Transition Conference in New Orleans.

The conference was sponsored by the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina. The title of their presentation was Strategies for Success for Students on the Edge of Success. The presentation focused on the process and success of our college’s intervention program for students on academic dismissal.

The two components of the program are an intrusive advising process and the SDEV 0171. This intervention is fairly unique to Northwest Vista College and the other sister colleges. The success at NVC has been national benchmark with solid data including spring 2016.

In spring 2016, students passing the 0171 and meeting the advising requirements passed 96 precent of all of their courses. Christian and Gary were part of only three presenters from community colleges with the four-year universities representing the bulk of over 50 presentations.

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