Student Needs Your Votes

NVC student Ricardo Scott was recently featured in a News 4 WOAI story that's trying to help him get votes to win a wheelchair-accessible van. 

To promote National Mobility Awareness month, a national contest is featuring people from across the U.S. who are in need of a wheelchair-accessible van.

So far, Ricardo is one of 87 people you can vote for along with another UTSA student highlighted in the WOAI piece.

Here's a snippet of Ricardo's story from the National Mobility Awareness website:

“A couple of hours after I was born my doctors told my mother, “I would not get attached to your son because he will not last you fifteen days.” That was how my life began, I was born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida. By the time I was one year old I had 12 surgeries. I was always very determined to walk at a young age, in fact, I was able to walk with cast on my legs and a walker. However that was short lived… .”

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